Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sleepy and tired...


Penat gler ari nie koz aku ge ceramah 4 lesen dr 8.30pg-3.30ptg...


dah la bgun pkl 6.3opg...


nsb baik x tertido dkt sana...

ok la...

but, seram jugak nak angkat ujian undang2 ek...


Farah... study...



The Power of Friends

Everyone knows of the power of friends,
The terrific result, when everything blends.
When people have friends, they don’t stand alone;
Friends always help, when you face the unknown.

Friends give you courage to face problems untold,
So the love of a friend can help make you bold.
They can help you to live a much richer life,
So your every day living will be less filled with strife.

Thanks for being my friend!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs